Friday, March 21, 2008

Due to circumstances beyond my control, I am not allowed to purchase yarn for a very long time.

I'd heard about the Coach Outlet for a while, but never had the chance to go. I was bored after work today, so I decided to travel the 45 minutes to the infamous outlet store. I didn't expect to see much because outlet stores tend to be full of stuff that's been "picked over".

Maaaaaan, when I walked into that outlet store, I lost my mind. When I first entered the store, I saw that there were purses and leather briefcases with HUGE discounts. AND they were having a sale where they took an additional 20-40% off of the discounted price.

*Hold on a minute while I catch my breath. I'm literally getting excited just thinking about it.*

After walking around the store for 1.5 hours with about 7 purses on my arm (I didn't want folks to take the stuff I liked.), I finally decided to get this one:

Let me give you an idea of how good these prices were. This purse originally sells for $249. I got it for $112.

There goes my yarn budget.

I shall leave you now, with a little prayer for forgiveness.

Dear God,

Please forgive me for the damage that I have inflicted upon the Coach Outlet store. And forgive me for thinking, "Touch it and die, lady!" when that woman joked about taking my brown bag after I placed it on the counter. Oh, and God? Forgive me for purchasing this one also:

But isn't it cute, though? Amen.

Oh, I forgot to mention that I bought a second bag. Heh.

I will be knitting from my stash for the next 6 months.