Wednesday, May 04, 2016

I have no idea what these are going to become:

A hat? Somehow incorporate these into new sweater designs?  Socks?  A shawl?

I simply do. not. know.  As a matter of fact, because I know you know that I don't know what these are going to be, if you ask me what I am making with them, I will give you this face:

'Cause I don't know.

I'm going through a serious shawl phase right now, so this might be a sign from the Universe that at least one of these hanks will magically be turned into a shawl.

I got these dreamy skeins from the Carolina Fiber Fest we had here in Raleigh at the end of March.  The one on the left is from Twist Fiber Studio, and I can say for a fact that there was so much yummy yarn that it was difficult for me to make a decision about which skein to take home.

And what I said about the yarn from Twist Fiber Studio goes ditto for the hank on the right from HauteKnit Yarn.  I had a budget when I went to the fiber fest and walking into this booth had me thinking, "Psssh, WHAT budget?  I can live off of the awesome that is this yarn.".  At one point, I was just walking around with multiple items in my arms, but my need to stick to my budget made me put some back.  I swear it was like ripping my heart out.  You MUST have a budget when you go to these events because you will definitely leave broke.  I guess I can always head over to the Etsy shop and buy more.