I figured I'd better start showing some F.O.s around here before you all get restless.
Above you see Dr. J wearing her graduation gift. I'm so glad that she likes it, especially since she is a Diva (I mean that in a good way). You know we knitters like to know that folks like what we've made for them. She wears them well.
You can't see the button, but I've chosen what I call a "scholarly button" to grace her hat/scarf. It looks a little something like this:

I just thought that I'd point out that that flight of stairs is leading up to my naughty neighbors' apartment...The ones who used to wake me up with all the love making. I thought it was funny that their door was in the picture.
FYI: I haven't heard any more of the "squeaky-squeaky" since my outburst.
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