Oh Charlie,
We've had some good times, haven't we? Remember that time you tried to make me look like a skank? Heh. But I fixed YOU by adding some armhole shaping. You funny girl, I couldn't let you get away with that one.
...And that time I was all excited about FINALLY getting the chance to seam your pieces together? I painstakingly arranged the edges so that the diamond patterns lined up. I completed the first "side seam" then held you up -all proud of myself-only to discover that I'd sewn the two edges of the front together. HI.LA.RI.OUS. That's the last time I try to seam when I'm tired. (
You're all done now and I can honestly say that I had a great time knitting you. The problems I had were due to my own "stupid-headedness".
You know what, ya'll? I love this tank. I love to work seed stitch with mercerized cotton because I love how dainty it looks. It really makes that stitch come alive. In the picture below, you see the seed stitch trimmed armhole border (left) and the neckline (right). Purty, huh?

The color is really a rich maroon instead of the deep fuchsia that the camera thinks it is.
Those diamonds are nothing more than strategically placed purl stitches. I got the pattern from one of my pattern books.

I used size 6 needles and 7 hanks of Tahki- Stacy Charles' Cotton Classic, 108 yds/hank.
Excuse me while I post this F.O. on Ravelry.
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