I saw this on the back of my apartment building when I was walking Smokey this morning:
I didn't even know they came that big in these parts. I thought I walked into one of the shows on the Discovery Channel. In case you can't tell what this is, it's a HUUUUGE spider. You'll have to excuse my fuzzy picture. Doesn't the fuzziness remind you of the existing pictures of Big Foot and Aliens? They never have any detail. You would think that after all these years of sightings at least ONE person would have a camera good enough to take a good pic.
I would have tried to get closer but I was afraid that it would beat me up, web me, and have me for dinner. So you'll have to excuse the fact that I was being a chicken. Maybe it's being afraid that keeps folks from taking the clear pics of Big Foot and the Aliens. Ah. I understand now. Forgive me.
I feel an obligation to "Raid" it. Using the entire can. I'm just afraid that it will enter my apartment and I'll have to wrestle it to the ground. It totally has an advantage, why, with the 8 legs and fancy web apparatus.
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