Wednesday, September 12, 2012

I watch television all the time when I'm knitting at home.

OK, let me clarify. There's watching television and there's "watching" television. "Watching" is that half-assed attention you pay to the screen/sound when most of your brain needs to focus on more difficult projects. For mindless stockinette/garter stitch knitting, I actually watch. For knitting more complex things like cables, I "watch".

"Watching" television requires using the corner of the eye closest to the screen.  The "T.V. eye" will make me start watching again when it detects that things are getting good. For example, if that eye were to detect that someone was being stabbed, I pay full attention.  That eye can even detect when folks are about to engage in some sexy stuff.

It's a gift.  And you have to have "The gift" if you are knitting cables and trying to watch television. 
This, my friends, is a square from the afghan that was my Ravellenic Games project. Unfinished. Incomplete.  There are 6 of these squares.  There is supposed to be 12.  It's a free pattern designed by Susan Shildmyer for Caron International.

Many of these squares were knit while I "watched" the Olympics.  I remember being particularly drawn into actual watching as I knit during the Men's synchronized diving event. My "T.V. eye" kept detecting muscular men in tiny undies. I could barely get through a row of knitting with all those abs and thighs twisting through the air all willy-nilly.  

I wasn't happy when I finally accepted the fact that I wasn't going to finish in time.  I took a road trip to Chicago during the last few days of the Olympics and didn't have the chance to work on it.  You know how it is.

I would appreciate a few "Atta girls" and "You can do its" from you guys to help me through this. I want to get this done to keep it out of the UFO pile. Who wouldn't want to be wrapped up in all this cable goodness?


Sharon said...

You can do it! The pressure of a deadline is over so now you have time on your side.

Kudos for getting as far as you did while the games were on. (I got caught up in the muscles and nakedness myself. LOL!)

Karine said...

Yes you can do it! I understand you though, every time I post a new project I see my unfinished blanket project that I've been working for over a year now.

I also know of watching and "watching" LOL

Jennifer said...

It Looks great so far--and any day now (God willing) it will come in handy.

Monique said...

Ok you're just too funny. Tv eye, sexy stuff. I'm laughing cause I completely relate and agree.
You most definitely can finish this. Your square looks fantastic!
You'd better finish this!

steel breeze said...

You must finish this, it's lovely! And there's already quite a chill in the air here (UK) so it's definitely timely!

Anonymous said...

You can do it!!

DesireƩ said...

Go Nik, go!!! I know you can do it!!

Cr8tive Fashion said...

you can do it! atta girl!

judy said...

Hey! I didn't know you 'were back' in blog world until now! Welcome back, and it sounds like you got a good jump on that might as well knock it out! With the temperatures cooling down, you will be glad you finished it!