Thanksgiving Day was spent at a co-worker's house and let me tell you, I had a great time. I got a chance to meet some great people. I'm glad I went.
Snookums and I celebrated on the Sunday before Thanksgiving because he wouldn't be available on Thanksgiving. I didn't want the holiday to go by without a small celebration of our own.
I cooked a roasted turkey, sweet 'taters, macaroni and cheese, green beans mixed with white 'taters ("seasoned" with smoked turkey), and cornbread dressing. His job was to bring the desert, and he chose an amazing apple pie he bought from a local restaurant. Did I say that the pie was amazing? He also helped me with some of the cooking duties.
When your man tells you that you've thrown various body parts in a dish you cooked, that means "you done good".
Ex. "You stuck your foot in that turkey, girl!" means that the turkey was deeeelish.
If he says you included additional body parts -like fingers and ears- AND claims that you swam or rolled around in the food, that means "you really done good".
Apparently I really done good.
And I simply cannot begin the week without showing you some of the many gifts I received in an amazing care package sent to me from Korea by Andrea over at Rows of Purls:

SIX SETS of handmade Korean circs. I'm so happy to have them...Especially since I thought that she was going to send me one set. What a surprise! There was more in the package that I will reveal to you guys as the week progresses.
Don't be jealous. If I see any of you trying to break into my apartment to steal my needles, I shall be forced to use my Ninja moves.
It won't be pretty.
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